Jan 19, 2016 | Erin Klumper | 602 views
Meteors Challenge Vipers On Home Ice
Although not reflected by the
score, the Dodge Caravan AE Novices played a high-energy, teamwork filled game,
on January 17th, against the Arthur Vipers on Mitchell's home ice.
Mitchell again proved to their fans that as a team, they play with strength and determination. Everyone on the Meteors defense lines did an outstanding job clearing their end and cleanly feeding the puck out to the forwards, who used their size to their advantage to move the puck up the ice with speed, resulting in extremely close-scoring opportunities. Facing everything the Meteors had, the Vipers goalie was left working exceptionally hard for the shut-out, as the Meteors fell 3-0.
Congratulations boys on an amazing weekend of hockey!