Mar 04, 2018 | Trevor Russwurm | 536 views
Novice Girls Earn Two More Playdown Wins
The Dodge Caravan Kids Meteor Novice Girls competed in two OWHA Regional Playdown games on the weekend, coming away with two victories to inch closer to clinching a spot in the Provincial Championships in Toronto in early April.
On Saturday afternoon in Stratford, the Meteors squared off in the second game of a home-and-home with the Aces 'C' team, and the high octane offense kicked into gear for an 8-0 win.
The girls exploded for four first-period goals, including two by Ava Harmer, and never looked back. Harmer would add one more goal in the third period to complete the hat trick. Kayla Visneskie added two goals, and singles were scored by Abigayle Van Bakel, Selina Gethke, and Emma Groenestege. Ellie MacArthur had three assists for the Meteors, and Alayna McKay had a pair. Camryn Medhurst and Avery Smith chipped in with single helpers. Macie Russwurm earned the shutout between the pipes.
Late Sunday afternoon the girls hit the ice again to host the South Huron Sabres Novice 'C' team, continuing their high scoring pace with a 7-1 victory. Van Bakel had the hot hand for the home team, scoring four goals, while Harmer also continued her torrid scoring pace adding another pair. Smith would add a single marker to round out the scoring. Many hands touched the puck helping to set up goals, as single assists all went to McKay, Medhurst, Gethke, Harmer, Maren Marshall, Zoey Michel, and Grace Bach.
The locals hit the road next weekend for WOGHL league playoffs, in Lambeth on Saturday March 10th followed by St. Thomas on Sunday afternoon.