Mar 31, 2018 | Greg Judge | 1338 views
It was Worth Every Km!
The McLaughlin's Auto Wholesaling Novice Rep team had a great a weekend at the Maple Syrup County Tournament in Elmvale. They played well with a 1-1-1 record and they thoroughly enjoyed a fun weekend together in the Horseshoe Valley. It was a fitting end to their exciting season as they all got along so well and enjoy each other’s company.
Much thanks needs to be given to Randy Van Bakel, Mike Jarmuth, Tyler Pauli, Jason Richardson and Elliott Faust for their coaching/training expertise and efforts. The boys clearly respect and appreciate all your time and expertise as they continue to develop their hockey and teamwork skills. In addition, a big thanks to Brad Beuermann for all his work as Manager and to Julie Miller for her work as Parent Rep.
The team was also thankful to have Abigayle Van Bakel, Cam Dietz, Bryson Eickmeyer, Blake Otten, and Hudson Porter contribute to the team as AP.s. Each one was a very valuable part of the team.
It has been a fun, exciting and safe season. Each team member has demonstrated respect for their coaches, parents, opponents and each other as they have developed their skills and understanding of the game of hockey. Way to go Novice Rep Meteors!