Great Team Effort vs BCH, News, PeeWee Girls, Girls Hockey, 2015-2016 (Mitchell Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2015-2016 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Mar 04, 2016 | Christine Beuerman | 677 views
Great Team Effort vs BCH
The Synders Graphics Peewee Girls had their final playdown game last night at home against BCH and came out victorious 2-1.

As each team made their way on the ice, we all knew this game would be a good battle as we have been back and forth with this team all season and only one team could have the bragging rights of the night.
First period started with us taking control the puck but despite a few good chances, we were not able to get on the board to start this game.  Each goalie was solid, denying shot after shot.  This period would end at a deadlock of 0.
Second period after a quick pep talk from our bench staff and a cheer “Go Meteors” the girls would once again face off.  This time our gals would do it right with Sydney Ryan and Brooklyn Gethke setting up Emma French to score.  Whew, we were finally on the board! The remainder of the period would be a show for some great saves by our mighty mite Makayla Beuerman as she continued to shut those BCH girls down and our feisty Meteors would hold the 1-0 lead going into the third and final period.
Third period was set as BCH started this period off stronger than they did the previous two periods but it didn’t seem to phase our gals as Alexa Hahn would tap that little black disk in to score off the point shot of Ava Gibbings. Awesome job girls – let’s keep going and shut them down!  With the period drawing to the half way mark, BCH capitalized on a huge screen of players in front of our goalie to cut our lead to 1.  With the small switch of momentum in our rivals favor, our gritty group of girls bared down to hold them and continued to cause them grief by getting in their way to stop their plays.  As the crowd watched the clock count down and a chant from each bench, BCH decided to take their time out to figure out their plan with no goalie and the extra attacker in our end once play resumed.  Even with their plan of attack to hold the puck in our end and they did manage that, we were finally able to squeak it past the blue line to send them off side and force them to start again but time ran out and the game was over, the girls won 2-1.
Great game girls! Now the girls will get ready for their final 2 games in league playoffs with a back to back series with the Ilderton Jets, first game Saturday evening on their turf and back to Monkton on Sunday night.  Good luck this weekend girls!