Mar 22, 2015 | Carolyn McCorkindale | 814 views
Two Teams, Two Games, Two Ties
The Tru-Country and Garden Novice Girls 1 continue with league playoff, battling The South Huron Sabres for first place.
This series proved to be a nail-biter as the teams have been neck and neck all season. Evenly matched, offensively strong and defensively determined both teams want the title of league champion.
Game one of the best of three series began on Saturday morning at the Stephen Township Arena. Holding their own on home ice the South Huron girls tried with all their mite to get one past our stellar goalie Shawni, but couldn't net one until near the end of the second period. With extra incentive, being down a goal going into the third the Tru-Country and Garden girls stepped it up, firing shots at their goalie, only to be blocked. It wasn't until half was through the third period that Mitchell notched their own on the score sheet as Sadie scored from a beauty pass from our defensive player Jordyn.
Both teams having had a taste of scoring went after the lead hard, both to be out-done. Battling to the end the game ended in a 1-1 tie.
Hosting the South Huron Sabres Sunday in Mitchell the Tru-Country and Garden girls knew what they had to do to win and came out to step up to the challenge. With their war paint and game faces on they came out to play, and they did! Once again the South Huron Sabres opened the scoring with a goal in the first period. Our defense held them back throughout the second, with Shawni in net making some great saves to keep us in the game. Awesome passing and team work by our wingers and centers created some great opportunities to score. Mitchell finally found the back of the net in the third period with a gorgeous goal by Brooklyn, being in the right place as the right time to catch Sadie's re-bound.
With the fans on the edge of their seats rooting for their girls, both team were unable to pull ahead, leaving the second game in another 1-1 tie.
Til we meet again next weekend to finish the battle and settle league championship!