Mar 10, 2013 | Andrea Adam | 1605 views
Novice Rep Wins 'A' Championship and Voted Most Mannerly
The boys finished up their tournament season with a bang today as they swept Listowels, Gord Hymers, Novice Tournament winning the 'A' Championship!
The boys battled hard against Kincardine in an early 9 am game. Although it wasn't a solid performance to start the tournament, it was good enough to beat the Kinucks 3-1.
Game #2 was at 11 am against Hanover. The Falcons tried hard but were no match for the Meteors as the boys took a convincing lead and won the game 5-1. With win #2, Mitchell advanced to the 'A' Championships later that evening against the St. Mary's Rock.
The Meteors came to play and soon made it known that they had no intentions of leaving without their first tournament championship of the season! With some great defensive plays and strong offense, the boys took the game 2-1, winning the 'A' championship by sweeping all 3 games. Way to go Mitchell!!
Mitchell received a nice surprise at the end of the game when they were voted 'The Most Mannerly' team of the tournament. This award goes to the parents who have raised such incredible 'little men' and the coaches who help to keep these 'little men' in order during tournaments. Congratulations everyone on a well deserved championship!