Mar 13, 2019 | Erin Carnochan | 643 views
2 Wins to Advance in Playoffs
The Mitchell Dodge Caravan Kids Novice LL1 team played 2 games this past weekend, both against the Mitchell Novice LL2 team, who have proven to be very tough competition all year. These games were no exception.
The Mitchell Dodge Caravan Kids Novice LL1 team were behind in points in the round robin play and were in a "must win" position going into the weekend series against the Mitchell LL2 team. This seemed to give them the motivation they needed to come together with a complete team effort to win Saturday's game by 4-0 and Sunday's game by 4-1. Carter Harris led the team with a shutout in the first game and outstanding play all weekend. Great offensive and defensive efforts were also a huge part of earning these big and much deserved wins.
The Mitchell Dodge Caravan Kids Novice LL1 team will be advancing to the next level of WOAA playoffs against Walkerton. Game #1 in this series will be played in Mitchell on Friday night at 6:50.