Nov 12, 2017 | Samantha McCann | 649 views
Roaring in Ripley
Mitchell MCR Atom LL headed to Ripley on Saturday November
11th for a mid-afternoon game.
The first period started off unfortunately with back to back goals from the
Ripley team. With lots of action at the Meteors net, we were able to hold
off Ripley for the remainder of the first.
Griffin Bree decided to heat things up, scoring a back of the net goal from
Rogan Catalan with only 5 seconds left in the first.
The second period was fast & furious with both teams keeping the momentum going end-to-end leaving the second period scoreless. Ripley was able to land 2 more goals in the third. Great saves by Aedan McCann, along with all around great teamwork, kept Ripley at bay. The final score of 4-1 for Ripley was not indicative of the great effort put forth by the Mitchell Atom LL team. Keep it up boys!