Mitchell Scotiabank Bantam AE's Move On To Semi-finals, News, Bantam AE, U15 Boys, 2015-2016 (Mitchell Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2015-2016 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Jan 24, 2016 | Marcia Tweddle | 422 views
Mitchell Scotiabank Bantam AE's Move On To Semi-finals
Mitchell Scotiabank Bantam AE's faced off against the Walkerton Capitals for game 3 of the Quarter final Playdowns on Sunday January 24th at the Mitchell arena. Mitchell sitting with a two game advantage win 7-3 sweeping the series.

First period the boys hit the ice strong but Walkerton again would be the first on the board as they find the top right corner of the Mitchell net. Curt Eidt assisted by Jake Monden tied things up ending the period 1-1.

Second period the Capitals took a number of penalties as the pressure was on for a win. Trevor DeJong and Damon Kay took advantage of the power plays as each send in a goal a piece ending the period 3-1.  David Rowland and Tristan Beehler take the assists. It was clear the Mitchell boys came to play hockey as they maintained cool heads.

Third period Mitchell forwards were on fire keeping the puck deep in the Walkerton end.  Kurtis Forest assisted by Beehler and DeJong send in Mitchell's fourth goal. The Capitals get another shot past James Vink but 17 seconds later Beehler assisted by DeJong sent in Mitchell's fifth goal.  Capitals would get one more goal but Beehler followed by Damon Kay send in two more goals for Mitchell. Rowland and Beehler take the assists.

Mitchell wins the AE 4 quarter finals and moves on to the Semi Finals against Douro with a 7-3 win.

Great job boys