Oct 14, 2012 | Christine Beuerman | 659 views
First games of the year
The Pee Wee Local League team had a good start to their year playing in 2 exhibition games.
The first game was on Thursday Oct 11/12 in Mitchell against BCH. It was a well played game by the whole team giving us our first win 3-1.
First goal scored by Tristen B, assisted by Landon T and Hayden A. Second goal scored by Landon T, assisted by Eric D. Third goal scored by Wyatt C, assisted by Tyler R and Tristen B.
The team played their second game on Sunday Oct 14/12 in Mitchell against Listowel. Both teams played hard but came to a 1-1 tie.
Goal scored by Zeke K.
The team starts their regular season this coming Saturday with our first game against Lucknow.