Mar 15, 2024 | Eddie Weesjes | 62 views
U11 Rep Boys Meet Mighty Foes in Playoffs
McDonald's Valumart U11 Rep Boys getting placed in the higher playoff bracket and hit the road to put up a fight!
U11 Rep boys hit the P&H Centre in Hanover on February 17th to face the Walkerton Capitals in game one. With Jack Lazer Laverty standing on his head with the help of his defensive crew; the Mitchell Meteors fall in Overtime vs the Capitals. Zach, The Real Deal Diehl and Kaden Lights Out Elligsen light up the score board for Mitchell to hold the tie till the end of regulation. Walkerton comes out on top with a score of 3 to 2 after 4 periods.
Game 2 had the Meteors host the Saugeen Valley Steelheads at home. Plenty of action back and forth with the Mitchell boys up 2 to 1 after the first period, second period the Saugeen boys netted 2 quick ones to go ahead until a third Mitchell goal to tie things up. Saugeen heated up the third period to stretch their lead by 2 goals, Mitchell scored once more to close the game out with a 5 to 4 loss.
Game 3 sent the U11 Rep boys up to Port Elgin, the boys rallied this game with Lazer in net to hold the formidable foe at 1 goal. Unfortunately Saugeen's goaltending proved to be a wall for the boys as they celebrated a win and shut out for this game. Mitchell loses 1 to 0.
Game 4 sent the U11 boys back north for a rescheduled match versus the Kincardine Kinucks. The boys, sick of losing came out successfull with a win! Goals from Owen Crash Dietrich and Landon Lose Yourself Bennewies was enough to secure the victory, 2 to 1 versus the Kinucks.
Game 5 brought the Drayton Defenders into town, well, our second pad, Monkton. The boys played hard all game including an intense 4 minute sequence without Lazer in net in attempt to tie up the match. Mitchell lost 3 to 1 to the Drayton Defenders.
Final Game 6 Mitchell Meteors faced off against the Wingham Ironmen. A weary Mitchell team played 6 games in a winning tournament on the weekend and unfortunately didn't have enough gas to slay the Ironmen.
Mitchell managed to squeak a beauty point shot from Denver Rocky Verberne on the point passed the Ironmen Tender. This capped the scoring for the Meteors. Mitchell lost 4 to 1 against Wingham.
A bitter sweet season for the U11 Rep Boys as they were too much for the lower division but no enough for the upper division. Always next year!