Oct 12, 2013 | Chris Vogels | 897 views
Shooting for the Stars
Being Thanksgiving weekend, the schedule makers kept this weekend's game close to home taking us only as far as Seaforth for an afternoon game vs the Stars
The back and forth action started right off the opening face-off, but both net minders were sharp and kept their wickets clean for the opening period. The two teams killed off their penalties and had opportunities to go ahead however neither would be able to capitalize, taking things to the 2nd period tied 0-0.
Mitchell would go on the power play early in the period and seconds before it would expire, Eidt would guide Vogels' pass into the open side to go up by one. Barely a minute later there was another scramble around the net and Schoonderwoerd's centering pass attempt would bank off the keeper's pads to find it's way in & double the lead. A scrum after the whistle would return Mitchell back to the powerplay. With momentum on the Meteors' side, Gettler stepped up from the blue line, grabbed the loose puck, and buried a sweet wrist shot from the point to get his first goal of the year. Things would settle down a little, but before the period would end Murray took a pass from Eidt and unloaded a slapshot that went off both posts and in to end the second period up 4-0.
Third period efforts would see good chances again at either end, but Mitchell's defensive play and energetic backchecking would keep much game of the action in the Star's end. Seaforth's penalty kill was quite aggressive, but even when they did bust out on what looked like a breakaway, Fenwick chased the attacker down and disrupted their scoring chances. Duncan kept cool for the entire game and stood his ground to earn his 4th straight shutout.
The Meteors will take a break from league play for the Ken Bailey Memorial Tournament next weekend in Lucan.
Good luck boys!