Feb 07, 2014 | Jeff Lockhart | 975 views
Series Sweep
The Your Neighbourhood Credit Union Atom Reps completed their series against BCH with a third straight win (6-1) to move on in OMHA playoffs.
Mitchell Scoring Summary
Goal 1 - Mark Knill, assisted by Connor Lockhart & Dayten Porter - 5:04 of first period
Goal 2 - Evan Morrison, assisted by Connor MacLean & Carter Preszcator - 2:16 of first period
Goal 3 - Connor MacLean, assisted by Dayten Porter and Evan Morrison - 4:52 of second period
Goal 4 - Connor MacLean, assisted by Evan Morrison and Wyatt Huitema - 2:58 of third period
Goal 5 - Seth Huygen, assisted by Connor Lockhart & Joey Hill - 9:51 of third period
Goal 6 - Seth Huygen, assisted by Carter Prescator & Kase Schoonderwoerd - 2:05 of third period
Goaltending duties were split between Bradley Boville and Greg Reidy