Mar 01, 2012 | Kerry DeJong | 1606 views
OMHA Quarter Finals
The Atom AE team came up against Collingwood in the OMHA quarter finals. It was a tough series for the boys, being so closely matched with Collingwood.
The series was a best out of five. The team traveled to Collingwood on Feb 18th they played a solid game losing 2-1. Collingwood was back it Mitchell on Feb 19th, again the game was back and forth but Collingwood would get the final goal winning 3-2. The third game was played on Feb 24th in Collingwood the boys came out strong knowing they needed to win this game. The team ended up going into over time and with only a minute left Collingwood scored winning the game 2-1. Our boys never gave up fighting right to the end and played some of their best hockey yet! The coaches, parents and fans are all very proud of this team and what they have done this year so far. The team now continues to play league playoffs against Listowel and Wingham. Good luck boys!