Mar 11, 2023 | ashlee bennewies | 351 views
Gord Hymers Tournament
Mitchell's Lockhart U11 Rep C team is playing in the Gord Hymers tournament this weekend.
The boys had a slow start to the tournament losing both games Friday. Mitchell lost 6-1 to Twin Centres and 8-2 to Drayton, Mitchell's three goals were by Myles Havens.
Saturday Mitchell played strong with great passing and Amazing goaltending by Collin Klumper. Mitchell lead the Lambton Shores 6-0 with goals from Myles Haves X2, Danny Bree, Luke Linton & Boston Bambrough X2. Beau Vander Velde and Landon Bennewies managed to get an assist each. Great defence work was played by Dylan McLeod, Liam Coyne and Keaton Weesjes. Daxton Baker and Spencer Dick also helped set up many great plays today, way to work boys!