Sep 09, 2019 | James Morrison | 1210 views
Bantam Rep Tryout Update
The Bantam Rep coaching staff would like to thank everyone who attended tryouts this year.
Those selected to continue tryouts are listed below. Please attend the next tryout session on Wed. Sept at 8:00pm.
D Dietz
T Geiger
C Gibson
C Hannon
C Kay
J Morrison
L Ruby
B Glauser
K Mills
P Porter
L Roobroeck
C Templeman
R Terpstra
J VanBakel
V Voros
J Vosper
H Beuermann
D Jermol
Those not listed above are to attend the Bantam AE/LL selection. Their first session is scheduled for Tuesday Sept 17th at 9:00pm. Please check the schedule as ice times may change.
We wish everyone a fun and successful hockey year.
James Morrison
Bantam Rep Head Coach