Nov 08, 2015 | Peg Huettlin | 506 views
One Away, One Home
The MCR Advanced Collison Centres Atom LL team travelled to Lucknow Saturday afternoon. It was a tough game and Mitchell tried hard but defenseman Kaeden M. was the only player able to get a goal in the Lucknow net, letting the Sepoys take the win 3-1 in the end.
Sunday evening they played BCH on home turf in Mitchell. The MCR boys took the lead in the second period and fought hard throughout the third to keep in the lead. Again, the defenseman, Liam B. & Kaeden M., get props for taking the puck all the way to the other end and scoring on BCH goalie. Centreman, Brandon D. fought hard in his line to score two goals throughout. Assisting in these goals were, Sam H., Jack S., Andreas H. & Liam B.
Teamwork and great plays by all!