Covid Update & Vaccination Requirements, News, Houseleague, 2021-2022 (Mitchell Minor Hockey)

This League is part of the 2021-2022 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Organization | Sep 29, 2021 | admin | 4887 views
Covid Update & Vaccination Requirements

Complete QR screening each time you are at the arena. This is critical to be able to do timely and adequate contact tracing!

If you, your child or another family member test positive for covid, please inform MMH covid rep Jaclyn Dietz so the appropriate information can be shared with Public Health in a timely manner.  

Reminder, if you or your child are sick, do not attend hockey even if vaccinated.

Dressing Room:
• Players can enter the dressing room 30 minutes before their ice time.
• Players must wear a mask at all times while in the dressing room.
• Parents are permitted to tie skates but please minimize amount of time in the dressing room. 
• If your child needs help getting dressed, consider getting them partially dressed at home.
• Dressing room limits are posted on each door and teams must follow these limits.

• Spectators are not limited to one person this year and children are permitted to be with their parents.  
• Children must sit with their parents for the duration of the ice time.  
• Please socially distance in the stands and in the lobby area.  
• Arena capacity limits for spectators is 200.

Masks/face coverings:
• Masks must be worn by spectators at all times
• Masks must be worn by players in the dressing room
• Coaches must wear a mask on the bench while coaching but not when on the ice with players.
   This is a mandatory safety guideline as outlined by Hockey Canada.

Proof of vaccination:
• For players born 2009 and before, proof of vaccination is required to be shared with MMH Covid rep in order for your player to be rostered as per OMHA and OWHA protocol.  
• Please use the link that has been emailed to you to send proof of vaccination, as soon as possible or when your vaccination series is complete. If you do not wish to submit documentation electronically please reach out directly to MMH covid rep Jaclyn Dietz

Mitchell and Monkton Facility guidelines:
• Please see the attached specific policies of the Municipalities of West Perth and North Perth effective Wednesday, September 22. 

Away Games:
• Other arenas will have their own policies and methods of contact tracing, dressing rooms etc. 
• Please follow each facilities guidelines and respect that facilities may have different expectations. 
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