Online registration NOW OPEN July 27 – August 10th, News (Mitchell Minor Hockey)

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Jul 27, 2021 | admin | 19920 views
Online registration NOW OPEN July 27 – August 10th

Hello MMH Families,

We are pleased to announce that our online registration is now open and we are optimistic that the 2021-2022 season will look a lot more like what we were used to pre-pandemic.

Please note: registration will close August 10th there are no guarantees for late registrations and additional late fees apply.

Registration 2021-2022 

The OHF has backed up the time line for tryouts to October. this means we have about a month of ice before we can hold tryouts. In the spirit of FUN for our participants we have decided to run 3 on 3 hockey for all teams U9 to U18. Let’s get these kids on the ice, having fun playing games! There is no additional sign up & costs are built into registration. Try-out’s and regular practices will commence following 3on3 play in October. This is also a great opportunity to get your bond hours early. We will be looking for parent volunteers to be on the benches opening doors.

As always please check back to the website regularly as it is our main communication tool.