Council Votes Down MMH Request to Reinstall Ice in Mitchell Arena, News (Mitchell Minor Hockey)

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Feb 24, 2021 | admin | 1531 views
Council Votes Down MMH Request to Reinstall Ice in Mitchell Arena
Mitchell Minor Hockey Executive regrets to inform our members that the West Perth Council voted to not reinstall ice in the Mitchell Arena with a 6 to 4 vote. The request was taken to council by the MMH Executive on Feb. 22, 2021 with hopes of resuming our 2020-21 season.   

The MMH Executive would also like to thank the four council members (Councillor Marshall, Councillor Vink, Councillor Trentowsky and Councillor Murray), who voted to support our efforts to get the youth back on the ice in Mitchell. With all approvals in place to resume activities, a decision from council to reinstall the ice was needed for us to be able to resume our hockey programming.

MMH would like to clarify that it was clearly communicated prior to and during the council meeting that ice in Mitchell was needed to resume the season.  MMH was directed that the path to request ice installed in Mitchell was to take a proposal to council which is what we did.  MMH communicated that after looking at a proposal  to move to Huron East for mostly 20 hours we would need a full re registration, changes to return to play documents and insurance.  MMH Executive did not feel this could be done in under a 48 hour deadline. The Executive asked for 30 hours of ice rental in Mitchell in hopes that all players could have the opportunity to return to the ice.

MMH Executive has enclosed a link to MMH’s proposal to council as well as a link to the council meeting. The MMH portion of the meeting starts at the 16:00 minute mark of the video.  If any members have questions regarding the proposal or the presentation to council please reach out to an executive member.


MMH Executive will have each team designate an individual to collect the Jersey’s, goalie equipment and trainer kits from your team. Jersey’s must be washed, on a hanger and in similar condition to when you  received them.

MMH Executive will communicate a future date and time when they can collect the Jerseys from the team representative. 

A refund will not be given until a player’s jerseys are returned. 


Once all final monetary balances are known and approved by our accountant, refund cheques will be distributed to all members. As noted above, jersey and equipment  returns will be needed in order to receive a refund.

Lastly, the MMH Executive would  like to thank all of our players, coaches and parents. We cannot thank you enough for your constant support of our efforts and protocols to keep the children on the ice. Please understand we did all we could to get our season to resume and unfortunately we were unable to get West Perth Councils approval. It is unfortunate we were unable to finish the year in a more positive and impactful manner. We again appreciate all of your commitment and support and hope that in 2021-22 we will be able to deliver an entire season of hockey.  

Thank you for choosing to play hockey in Mitchell.

Mitchell Minor Hockey Executive


West Perth Council Meeting
