Covid Update - Games and practices will continue to run as scheduled, News (Mitchell Minor Hockey)

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Nov 21, 2020 | admin | 5093 views
Covid Update - Games and practices will continue to run as scheduled
MMH Families: 

With Huron Perth moving to Orange on Sunday at midnight, we would like to inform you that hockey for the most part does not change. 

Games and practices will continue to run as scheduled unless notified otherwise. 

All COVID measures continue to be in place. 

There are a few more added measures on the spectator side: 

1) It is now mandatory and will be strictly enforced that only one spectator (Parent/guardian) will be allowed per Player. NO EXCEPTIONS.  

2) Food and Drink. Under no circumstances will spectators be allowed to bring food or drink into the Arena. 

3) Masks are mandatory for spectators during all MMH events, If a mask can not be worn, please choose to not participate.

We will continue to monitor and update you as the situation changes. 

Once again, MMH asks you to avoid social media and only use our direct mailings or our webpage as your only source of information for Mitchell Minor Hockey information. 

Thank You
Mark Stephan
President MMH