Hitting the Ice, News (Mitchell Minor Hockey)

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Oct 02, 2020 | admin | 1972 views
Hitting the Ice

Dear MMH Families,

We were pleased to be able to announce to you that our RTP (Return to Play’s) have been approved for both boys and girls. Two different governing bodies oversee this, for boys hockey it is WOAA, and OWHA for the girls.  The RTP’s and the rules passed down from the governing bodies differ a bit from one another, as such so does the return to the ice.

In brief some of the parameters passed down from the governing bodies include:

Boys (WOAA)
- No tryouts permitted, players to be placed on a team according to skill level from previous year
- Teams capped at 10 players (9 skaters + 1 goalie)
- Games will be 3 on 3 format
- No game play will be permitted until WOAA moves from stage 3B to stage 3C. This is expected to be around 3 weeks.

Girls (OWHA)
- No tryouts permitted
- There are no conditions on the start of game play and we expect to start playing in 2 or 3 weeks.
- Games will be 3 on 3 or 4 on 4 format.

Having only recently had these RTP documents approved we have had to get the participants placed into their teams and play “bubbles” in short order. Play “bubbles” are to consist of a maximum of 50 players made up of teams from 3 other centers.  Girls may start that play as soon as schedules can be set, boys will have to wait for a move to stage 3B. We do appreciate your patience, please be assured many people have worked very hard and put in countless hours to get to this point.

The Coaches selection committee in combination with executive members have tried to place players as fairly and equitably as possible based on previous years.  When questions or concerns arose in player placement, past and present coaches were consulted as well. We did not receive all even numbers of registrants for each division and have done our very best to find a spot for all the players that registered to play.  This may require additional change in near future as we attempt to address these concerns.


  1. Arrive at the arena 10 minutes before ice time. U13 & below to come fully dressed (excluding skates and helmets). Leave 10 minutes after ice time.

  2. Players enter at back door. Check TV for dressing room designated for team.

  3. Mask Use Mandatory entering the facility & in dressing room.

  4. If player needs help with equipment, 1 parent can enter the facility with the player at the back door. If the parent wishes to watch the practice they must leave thru the back door and re-enter the facility using the lobby entrance door.

  5. Absolutely no showering after games or practices.

  6. Every player needs to bring a WATER BOTTLE, and practice jersey.

  7. All Covid Questions can be found on our website by the link below


The Boys Teams are placed below. All girls are to show up at their normal groupings unless they have been contacted by a member of the executive.
