Body Checking Clinics, News (Mitchell Minor Hockey)

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Mar 20, 2019 | administrator | 615 views
Body Checking Clinics

A Body Checking Clinic for the 2019/2020 OMHA season will be held for the following groups and times.


Sunday, March 31st, 2019:

8:00pm – Minor Peewee – 2007 birth year

8:40pm – Major Peewee (2006’s) and any minor Bantam LL (2005’s) that wishes to take it.

A couple of notes:


1) Anyone planning on playing bantam contact hockey who has not taken the clinic are required to attend at least one body checking clinic.

2) Players are allowed (and encouraged) to attend even if they have taken a body checking clinic in the past.

3) These clinics may be offered in the fall but players are encouraged to take it now.

4) Any girls who might be interested in playing boys bantam contact hockey will need to take this clinic as well.



Please send an email Mark Stephan if your child plans to attend so we can track numbers in case more times need to be added.
