Gender Identity and Expression Course, News (Mitchell Minor Hockey)

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Aug 30, 2017 | administrator | 2242 views
Gender Identity and Expression Course
Coaches and Bench Staff:

Please read the attached OMHA Memo regarding Gender Identity and Expression course. This course is free and must be completed by all persons on an Initiation or Boys bench staff. You will not be approved on a roster without it.  Please complete prior to Oct 1,2017

**Gender Identity and Expression Course

Division’s -   Rep, AE, LL, Tyke, Chips

Positions – Coach, Asst Coach, Trainer, Asst Trainer, Manager


You must have a e-hockey account to sign up. (I have attached the links in the Attached document)


The course is approx. 1.5 -2 hours long ( scenario’s to answer but no final test)  

I have taken the course so if you have any questions please let me know.



Warren Scherbarth

Mitchell minor Hockey

Boys Town Contact.

Phone 519-348-0570

