Your contribution matters!, News (Mitchell Minor Hockey)

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Mar 13, 2022 | admin | 6677 views
Your contribution matters!
As we near the end of our 2021/2022 hockey season we wanted to reach out and say thank you to all the coaches, bench staff, parents and many more individuals (too many to list and not forget someone) that have volunteered their time this year to make this season and our tournaments a success.

It certainly has been a challenging few years in the face of Covid. Although we experienced the shutdown after Christmas we are so pleased to have been able to deliver almost “normal” programming to our membership for the 2021/2022 season.

On behalf of the entire MMH executive we wish you all a healthy & happy Spring and Summer, and hope to see you all back at the rink in the Fall.

Looking Ahead

Please ensure you get your signed bond forms turned into the box in the arena lobby by the end of the season.

Why do we implement bond hours?
Bond hours are put in place to help ensure we have enough people to successfully run events such as tournaments, fundraisers, skills & scrimmage etc. They are a bare minimum of what is needed to accomplish these things. Again, thank you to the individuals who went above and beyond in volunteering their time for MMH this season.

AGM (Annual General Meeting)
Our AGM will be held in May, check back to the website for details. As an executive for MMH we strive to deliver the best programming possible in a financially responsible manner. We are seeking new executive members, anyone interested should reach out to any of our current executive with any questions or expressions of interest. With the importance of succession planning in mind we would especially encourage the parents of our younger members. Much of our current executive is made up of parents of older children… and a couple of kind hearted community driven volunteers who love the sport!

We are aiming to have registration up on the website mid-April. Please check back for details. Passed down from OMHA there will be no gate fees for boy’s hockey for the 2022 – 2023 season.

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All the best,

MMH Executive
