BREE GETS THE HAT TRICK !!!, News, Atom AE, U11 Boys, 2018-2019 (Mitchell Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2018-2019 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Oct 26, 2018 | Jason Richardson | 226 views
Griffin Bree had a strong offensive game to lead the Thompsons Ltd. Mitchell Meteors Atom AE team to its first regular season win of the year! The regular season has had its ups and downs so far and the team now has has a record of 1-1-1 to start the year.

The regular season for the Atom AE team started out a little slow with a 3-3 tie against Wingham back on October 12th on home ice. Game two took the boys up north the next day to take on the Saugeen Shores Storm. It was an even longer drive home after suffering a 4-2 loss.

The third regular season game of the year was on October 26th. This time taking on the Kincardine Kinucks, who had just handed Mitchell a 4-1 loss during tournament action in St. Marys last weekend. 
The first period would see AP defenceman Colby Faust feed Griffin Bree for his first goal of the game. Not long after, Bree would feed the puck back to Nate Uniac at the blue line, who made no mistake putting it by the Kincardine goalie making it 2-0 for the home team. Mitchell would take the 2 goal lead into the second period.
The score would remain the same until half way through the second period when Mitchell seemed to take the pressure off, allowing the Kinucks to have easy access to Mitchells goaltender Sebastain Voros. Kincardine took advantage and quickly tied it up with two quick goals of their own. The locals would regain the lead with a beauty shot in the top corner from Bree, after receiving the puck from his hard working line mates Landon Van Bakel and Hudson Porter. However, before the period came to an end, Kincardine would again answer back and tie the game back up.
The third period had just started, and again Hudson Porter and Landon Van Bakel were able to feed Bree, who was camped out in front of the Kincardine net. He put home his third goal (4th point) of the game, for the hat trick. High fives all around from his teammates!! Not to go unnoticed, was AP forward Abigayle Van Bakel, who skated right around all the boys on the ice and put home an unassisted goal of her own, making the score 5-3. The final goal of the game came from Jake Richardson, as he happened to be in the right place at the right time to bang in the loose puck. Assists went to Abigayle Van Bakel  and Zack Siemon-Hergott. After the game Richardson could be heard saying `did you see my garbage goal!, What is a garbage goal anyway`

Next action is in a week, when the team hosts Listowel on November 2nd.